Dessica dry air technics
Get to know DESSICA, dry air made in France
Dessica is a specialist in dry air technology and its industrial applications for drying and dehumidification. We have been developing our knowledge in the supply of innovative solutions adapted to the dry air requirements of manufacturing processes. These solutions carry out the hygrometric control of premises, the storage of products in dry air or to prevent condensation.
In addition, our systems eliminate the problems of clogging and caking of pneumatic transports, storage silos of pulverized products.
Our certifications

Our story

DESSiCA, founded in 1999 with the ambition of becoming a reference company on the euopean market in the mastery of dry air techniques and its industrial applications for drying and dehumidifying the air. It has a recognized know-how in the creation of innovative solutions adapted to the needs of his clients.
To support its development, the company has been structured commercially. Since then its turnover has increased tenfold in ten years, or an average increase of over 25% annually.
In 2012, following the retirement of the company’s founder, DESSiCA became a Cooperative Society increasing the involvement and the desire of each employee to the company’ success.
Following the purchase of BTI, DESSICA has its own tool to better control its production. The group has 50 employees on 3 sites for a turnover of €6 millions.
Schermesser Electric Systems, specialized in industrial electricity, has been taken over by its employees as a cooperative company, and joins the DESSiCA group. Visit
DESSiCA recognized know-how and well adapted solutions for drying air needs makes it a major SME in this niche market. With an extraordinary ratio between its corporate revenues and the number of employees, the performance of DESSiCA is not to be doubted.
In addition to Europe, it now develops its solutions on the north american market.
Information that matters!
Birth of the
Experts & employees
of associates are former or
current employees
Production unit
100% french
Corporate culture
Our corporate culture is based on the following principles:
We build relationships on trust and allow each employee to take initiatives, to be a responsible of his work and to be able to make decisions based on clear and measurable objectives.
We work efficiently by organizing our tasks, planning, anticipating when it’s possible and limiting costs. We strive to attain good performances by rationally way and to optimize means to achieve results.
We encourage participation of each employee concerned in the decision-making process, flexibility, mutual aid, benevolence and teamwork.
We demand high standards of ourselves and others. We are concerned about the job well done, the quality of our services and our products. With a goal of reliability and optimization of our products and services, we implement a continuous process improvement both internally and regarding our customers and suppliers.
Our practices in customer relationship include needs understanding, clear propositions, compliance with commitments and after-sales service.
Our services
Do you need a temporary system? No problem, rent DESSICA. We also offer maintenance offers for your installation.