Dry rooms and anhydrous rooms
A dry room is generally a clean room in which the atmosphere is controlled in temperature and humidity, with a relative humidity of less than 20%. When this level is less than 2%, the term ‘anhydrous room’ is used.

Temperature and humidity control
Whether it’s in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing or electronics industry, at certain stages of the manufacturing process it is essential to maintain a low relative humidity in production or packaging clean rooms. DESSICA systems make it possible to achieve the required temperature, humidity or dust level conditions in these dry rooms.
Dessica equipment
Manufacturing, especially of electric car batteries, requires atmospheres with very low humidity (RH between 0.5 and 2%, or dew points between -30°C and -45°C). DESSICA has developed special very high efficiency equipment (dry air down to -65°C dew point) that is also highly impermeable to both air and water vapour for these anhydrous rooms.