
Air dehumidifiers for industrial processes

The DP range of dehumidifiers is designed to meet the different needs of users in industry, particularly for production and packaging environments and drying processes.

Product sheet DESSICA DP Range Contact us
Product type
Air dehydrators for industrial processes
Nominal air flow
1000 m3/h to 4000m3/h
1500 m3/h to 5100m3/h
2000 m3/h to 6200m3/h
3000 m3/h to 7800m3/h
3500 m3/h to 8300m3/h
4000 m3/h to 8800m3/h
450 m3/h to 2000m3/h
700 m3/h to 2200m3/h
Dehumidification capacity

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Air dryers for industrial processes

The DP range of air dryers has been designed by Dessica to adapt to the different needs of users in industry, particularly for processes: production and packaging environments and drying processes.

These dryers offer numerous advantages: multiple configurations, double-skin insulated stainless steel casing, high-performance drying wheel, easy maintenance, high-efficiency fans, communicating PLC with integrated controls.

They are fitted with a desiccant wheel that has been tried and tested for many years, using the solid adsorbent air dehumidification process.

In addition to the adsorption air desiccant system, DP units are supplied as standard with a wide range of configurable equipment.

Operating principle for Air dehumidifiers for industrial processes (DP)

The DP system uses two independent, counter-current air flows through the slowly and continuously rotating desiccant wheel. The main flow, the process air to be treated, is dried.

The secondary flow, the regeneration air, is smaller in volume and is used to remove the moisture retained by the desiccant wheel. Two fans set the two air streams in motion.

Silica gel is a highly hygroscopic material capable of retaining water vapour from the ambient air. As the air passes through the wheel, it loses the moisture retained by the silica gel. The dry air can then be used directly.

The regeneration air removes the moisture retained by the silica gel from the wheel.


The DP range is naturally used in all industrial process applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and health care sectors, such as production and packaging environments and drying processes.

The units are designed to treat air and to be installed in environments between -15°C and 40°C.

The control of hygrometry makes it possible to :

  • Increase the productivity of drying systems
  • Reduce airborne contamination
  • Improving the quality of hygroscopic materials
  • Ensuring the fluidity of powders
  • Avoid condensation
  • Drying the products
  • Improve product quality
  • Increase profitability and reduce losses due to sticking and clogging
  • Improving health, safety and working conditions
ANY QUESTION? Are you interested in these air dehumidifiers for industrial processes ? Contact us