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Actualités - Page 2
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Slab drying by air dehumidification
Offers and services
Customized dehumidifiers for process industry rental : DESSICA Services and temporary solutions
Offers and services
OVIR patent: Energy saving for dehumidification systems – DESSICA
Offers and services
Maintenance of your industrial dehumidifier: check the performance of your system
DESSiCA at CFIA Food Exhibition: 9-11 June 2021
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Offers and services
Discover DESSICA in 2 min video : report on LCI TV “Portrait d’entreprise”
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Happy new year 2021 !
Offers and services
Dry air in anhydrous rooms for lithium batteries manufacturing
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How to maintain dry air in a fruit processing plant ?
Offers and services
DESSICA develops in the North African market
Offers and services
New video online on YouTube! How does a DESSICA industrial dehumidifier work?
Offers and services
DESSICA’s strenghts
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Happy new year
Offers and services
DESSiCA is a member of EHEDG
DESSiCA at CFIA Exhibition : 12-14 march 2019
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